Closeup of a fruit salad with sliced strawberries, chopped mangoes, and whole blueberries that are safe for braces

Braces-Friendly Summer Snacks

July 11, 2022 6:29 pm

With summer in full swing and the usual structure of school out the window, we understand that it can be tricky to make sure your child still continues to eat regular meals and nutritious snacks. It’s even trickier when factoring in something like braces.

While there are some foods that aren’t safe with braces since they can get easily stuck or can damage the hardware (think foods that are hard, chewy, and sticky), there are still plenty of braces-friendly summer snacks out there to choose from that don’t take too much prep time. Here are some of our favorites:

Fruit Salad

A fruit salad makes for a tasty, refreshing side dish at any picnic or barbecue that is also braces-friendly! Since the dish is fully customizable, you can slice up the fruits that your child loves best. The key is going with soft fruits that are easy to chew and won’t mess with the braces’ brackets and wires. We especially love bananas (if eaten that day), strawberries, mangos, blueberries, grapes, kiwi, and peaches.


A smoothie is another summer snack that’s easy on braces. There are endless combinations of frozen fruits, leafy greens, veggies, yogurt, juice, etc. so you can have fun blending up a different creation nearly every day of summer.

Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt (In Moderation)

Cool and creamy, ice cream and frozen yogurt are satisfying snacks nearly any time of the year, but especially when it’s hot outside. These smooth treats are safe for braces if they are free of caramel and bits of hard candy. Just make sure to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water afterwards and brush your teeth to clean away the sugar. Otherwise, you increase your risk of tooth decay and bad breath.

Enjoy Your Summer Together!

This summer, we hope you and your family enjoy lots of yummy food together and make treasured memories! If your child experiences any issue with their braces, or if you are wondering when your child should get braces, please contact us at Tots to Teens Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics. We’re proud to have an experienced orthodontist in San Antonio as part of our friendly team! We would be happy to assist you in any way that we can.


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